An alien spaceship hovers over a dusty, recession-hit Spanish town and is confronted by a young man looking up:"Now that we’re down in the dumps you think you can conquer us?"
It’s a beer advert, one of a string of new TV commercials that tackle the downturn head-on, trying to lure hard-hit buyers by appealing to Spanish values of friendship, family, and proud resistance.
In the alien attack--an advert for Mahou beer--the hero, gradually surrounded by gathering friends and family, warns the invaders:"You don’t know us."
He boasts of friends who are like brothers, supportive grandparents, watching the town football team, the attraction of the local bar, and finding thrills in anything, even scoring a goal.
"So, you’d better go back where you came from," says the defiant Earthling as the spaceship gives up and shoots off to find easier prey.
Advertisers are latching on to a powerful theme of resistance in Spanish society going back to the Napoleonic occupation, said Antoni Gutierrez Rubi, author, political consultant and communications advisor.
"In this sense resisting the crisis or resisting the malignant agents of the crisis, resisting adversity, has prestige. Resistance has that heroic touch that makes it patriotic," he said. (AFP)
down in the dumps:片語,指鬱鬱不樂、情緒低落,例句:She’s down in the dumps because all her friends are out of town.(她的朋友都到外地去了,所以她心情不好。)dumps為名詞複數,為口語用法,指憂鬱、不快樂等,前面通常要加the。
head-on:副詞,指正面應付地,例句:She decided to confront/meet the challenge head-on.(她決定正面迎接挑戰。)
latch on/onto something:動詞片語,指緊抓住某事,與某事緊密連結,例句:More and more countries latched onto computer technology as an important tool for development.(愈來愈多國家緊緊抓住電腦科技,認為這是國家發展的重要工具。)