LINE 之前推出了多種額外程式如 LINE Camera 和 LINE Card,讓 LINE 用起來更容易,今天又推出了 LINE Brush 繪圖程式。

製作 LINE 通訊軟體 NAVER JAPAN 今天又推出了新程式 LINE Brush.讓使用者也可以利用 LINE 傳自己手繪的圖片。和之前的 LINE Camera 和 LINE Card 一樣,LINE Brush 也是個獨立程式。使用者可以透過內建的各種工具,如 27 種藝術筆刷和 15 種照片筆刷等,創作具有自己風格的圖像,並透過 LINE 傳送給朋友。

LINE Brush 中的藝術筆刷包含了常見的粉彩筆、色鉛筆、刮歹和水彩等,讓使用者可以直接在空白的畫紙上畫出想要的圖案;而照片筆刷則可以應用在載入的照片上,讓你用畫筆為自己的照片增添效果(或笑果)。LINE Brush 也提供了各種輔助功能,如調整筆刷大小、透明度等,讓你畫起來更容易達到想要的效果。

LINE 愈來愈受歡迎,前兩天甚至達到 5 千萬使用者,而 LINE 的功能也愈來愈多,除了一開始的可愛的貼圖外,後來也新增了官方帳號功能,讓使用者可以和自己喜好的明星聊天,甚至還提供額外的程式,包含同樣可以使用貼圖的照像程式 LINE Camera、可以製作電子卡片的 LINE Card 和好玩的遊戲 LINE Birzzle,現在又推出了繪圖軟體 LINE Brush,看來 LINE 趕上 Facebook 野心並不只是說說而已。不過目前 LINE Brush 似乎還只有 iOS 版,在 Google Play Store 中找不到 Android 版的身影。

‧LINE Brush 下載網址



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【文/Discover Taipei】

Taipei is home to many small, independent bookstores, hidden away down its many inviting lanes and alleys. Like some of their larger-scale counterparts, these bookstores focus on specific subjects, and though their display space may be limited, their approach is original. In addition to VVG Something (好樣本事), chosen this year by the American culture and entertainment website Flavorwire.com as one of the world's twenty most beautiful bookstores, there are many other small bookstores out there awaiting discovery, each with its own unique personality.

Setting Course for Adventure – VVG Something

Walk along the lanes and alleys off Zhongxiao East Road Section 4 (忠孝東路4段) and VVG Something will inevitably catch your eye. This petite 43-square-meter bookstore was opened in 2009 by local designer Grace Wang (汪麗琴), who has filled it with material expressions of her likes and attitudes to life.

Step inside and you are greeted with a long table in the center of the room piled high with books on photography, design, cooking, and other topics. All were discovered by Grace while traveling abroad. Their special binding, font, or the paper they're printed on make them too appealing to put down. Adding to the aesthetics is a collection of over ten French leather sofas, industrial-iron chairs, and Windsor chairs, complemented by a suite of antiques that includes an old printing machine, microscope, tin toys, and an iron shoe mold, each a memento from one of Grace's globe-trekking adventures.

In the beginning, when she was contemplating what type of product to display, Grace thought about the full range of books carried by nearby Eslite Bookstore (誠品書店). After racking her brain, she decided some reverse thinking was best: she would not prepare in advance all the possible titles that readers might be looking for, but would instead share the books and articles she herself liked. She wanted everyone to come and browse without any pressure, encountering pleasant surprises while discovering the stories behind her products.

As Flavorwire.com put it:“Almost utilitarian but filled with simple old-world grace, this store is a little like what we might imagine our ideal ship's main cabin to look like.”What course for adventure will you find yourself heading out on when you visit? Anticipation is part of the ultimate reward.

The Beauty of the Times in an Antiquarian Bookstore – JXJ Books

The new JXJ Books (舊香居) outlet facing National Taiwan University (臺灣大學) opened in April this year. This business is a rarity in Taiwan, specializing in rare books and collectibles, notably antique books, the letters of famous figures, vintage photographs, and antique maps. Smiling, owner Wu Zijie (吳梓傑) says the challenges are great, for not only is the market small but it's also necessary to accumulate a large collection in order for the long-term operation of this kind of business to be viable. Yet he and his elder sister, who inherited this family-run enterprise from the previous generation of their family, aim to help young book-lovers discover the beauty of earlier times in old publications.

The head of the first generation, Wu Huikang (吳輝康), started selling antique books along with paintings and calligraphy over 30 years ago. He started with a roadside stand selling second-hand books, and later established a bookshop/art center venue, moving many times. In 2003 what would become the flagship store of JXJ Books was opened on Longquan Street (龍泉街) near Taiwan Normal University (臺灣師範大學), with outlets following on Xinglong Road (興隆路) and near National Taiwan University.

In the National Taiwan University Store the classic furniture nicely complements a rich range of rare books that spans 300 years from the Ming and Qing dynasties down to the 1960s. You'll feel as though you've delved into a magical shop of treasures, encountering such gems as an edition of the Dream of the Red Chamber (紅樓夢) from the early Republican period, dissenter magazines advocating democracy from the Taiwan martial-law era, and old maps from the Japanese colonial period into the early post-retrocession period of Kuomintang rule. This is prime treasure-hunting territory for those intrigued by the development of Taiwanese society and Chinese publishing.

An Old Home Made Eco-friendly – Escents Bookcase

Escents Bookcase (伊聖詩私房書櫃) is located down an alley off Section 3 of Xinsheng South Road. (新生南路)This is an independent bookstore with an obvious concern for environmental issues. Eco-friendly building materials are in evidence throughout, from the terrazzo to the zero-formaldehyde wood and black iron. These complement the lush courtyard seen through the windows, featuring an eco-pond and an old mango tree.

According to the staff, the owners bought the 43-year-old house because of its 55-year-old mango tree. After purchasing the place they took out the concrete foundation that was impeding the tree's root growth, replacing it with gravel and planking. The layout of the old residence was retained, and the bookshop linked up with Sonnentor Cafe (日光大道健康廚坊). Naturally, the light foods here have no artificial additives, and the beverages are organic.

When you enter, your nose is greeted with a duet of aromas – fragrant oil and fresh bread. Your eyes are greeted with walls and flooring featuring black terrazzo and attractive lamps made with thick white tracing paper, the black and white creating a dynamic contrast. Further inside you'll find two small rooms filled with books on environmental protection, food and drink, art, and literature, along with illustrated titles on biology. There is also a range of merchandise, demonstrating the shop's focus on everything eco-friendly, which includes organic-cotton T-shirts and calendars introducing crop seeds. On one wall is a striking black“book clock”that has an outer rim of black book-holder frames. The hope here is that visitors come and spend time immersed in the beauty of books, and forget all about time's passing.

Collector of Unique City Landscapes – Garden City

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您現在的位置是 Beauty - 《表特》禁止徵求及張貼個人臉書 。
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作者: kevin310007 (kevin) 看板: Beauty
標題: [正妹] 出賣正妹朋友
時間: Fri Jul 27 20:52:34 2012




這次被刷哭的跟什麼一樣,真怕她真想不開跑去整形了= =






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推 ansonandan:這圖感覺好詭異                                       07/27 20:54


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〈中央社倫敦26日法新電〉歐洲中央銀行總裁德拉吉(Mario Draghi)今天表示,將竭盡所能挽救歐元區,歐股受激勵大漲。








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您現在的位置是 movie - 我有鄉民卡 我要看鄉民的正義 。
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作者: book1998 (小磊) 看板: movie
標題: [請益] 驅魔神探..最後幕比中指
時間: Fri Jul 27 19:44:26 2012



想起震撼教育(training day)中
(become a wolf to catch wolves)

 (chase satan out of paradise)


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→ sonnyissonny:應該不是親吻中指 而是像撒旦比中指時回頭類似示威    07/27 19:45
→ sonnyissonny:                     向                            07/27 19:46


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【 奧運奮戰瞬間】 精彩美圖看這裡


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(路透哈瓦那26日電)古巴國務委員會主席勞爾.卡斯楚(Raul Castro)今天指控美國,想讓古巴政府像經歷阿拉伯之春風潮的國家一樣遭到推翻,但他重申,願意和幾十年的老對頭美國談判。

共黨統治的古巴今天紀念1953年起義59週年,這是古巴最重大紀念日之一。當年勞爾.卡斯楚的兄長斐代爾.卡斯楚(FidelCastro)領頭攻擊聖地牙哥市(Santiago de Cuba)的軍營,引爆古巴革命。



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